Oh the places you'll go!

Mostly Harmless.

Monday, October 12, 2009

This Blog is officially back open for business!

For now. She was a sad, boarded up building full of cobwebs & the smell of stale air. I'll put some polish on the old girl. So...... opinion time. 

I'm going to be participating in a thing on the internet where I write a whole novel in November. If I remember right, it has to be at least 50,000 words to qualify as finished. You can & should have an idea & character sketches ahead of time to help you, but no WRITING a single word of it until Nov 1. I have the beginnings of an idea & was hoping for opinions. 

I don't think that's cheating, since this contest is only about finishing what you start. They just verify the amount of words & thats that. They don't even read them. Basically I'd like to post at least 1 idea, imagine your reading the back cover, & get some feedback as to whether or not it seems like a book you'd want to read. Boring? Too weird & far fetched? (Its part fantasy/sci-fi, part chick lit, part mystery: that's the hope.)

Super intelligent young woman (early 20s) w/ no self confidence is stuck in a dead end job. She's dreaming of "making it in the big city" where she works as a receptionist, & of living on her own. She's very negative/depressed, but the only ones who know that are her sister, long distance best friend & her therapist. She covers it fairly well & is trying to recover completely.

But, she starts to feel sick. Aches, pain, stomachaches, migraines, etc. Therapist says to see an MD, probably depression.  (Not sure if she interacts with any hospital machine or not. might be too comic book.) They find nothing wrong but she swears she can FEEL ppls negative feelings & thoughts since the symptoms started. Its as if she gets the message without the words. 

Of course, the therapist, sis & friend think she's going thru any esp bad negativity period due to the undiagnosed illness. They are kindly disbelieving. Then, she starts to be able to hear ppls negative thoughts, whether they are directed at her or others. Anger, hate, jealously, loneliness, desperation. She hears it all & of course it drives her half mad. She decides to try to solve this on her own, until a mysterious man appears who might be able to help.  But... who is he? Can she trust him?



At 12:50 PM, Blogger Moani Hood said...

Hmm. Sounds a bit familiar ;) You give it a bit of a twist, which I am curious to find out about...who is this mystery man?


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